The Declaration of Arbroath, or Scottish Declaration of Independence
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THE Declaration of Arbroath 1320

100% Cotton Tea Towel


Detail 1

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

Detail 2

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

Detail 3

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

Detail 4

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

Detail 5

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

Detail 6

The Declaration of Arbroath T-towel

100% Cotton Tea Towel
Original screen printed design
of the
Declaration of Arbroath
or Scottish Declaration of Independence


Made in Scotland

Designed by Ettrick Valley, screen printed in black and red
on a quality cotton material.

The size of the Declaration of Arbroath T-towel is 19.5 inches wide by 30 inches high and includes in the design the seals of both the Arbroath Abbey and Robert the Bruce, as well as an image of the Abbey itself.

(approx $17.99)

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