The Declaration of Arbroath, or Scottish Declaration of Independence
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THE Declaration of Arbroath 1320

Commemorative Cross Stitch


The Declaration of Arbroath

This is a totally unique and
classic cross stitch rendition of the famous

Declaration of Arbroath
otherwise known as the Scottish Declaration of Independence

Click here to view larger images of the poster


Cross stitch chart with instructions in full colour. (limited to 22 colours to simplify stitching). Printed in large easy to read sheets. This unique Scottish design measures approx 10.6" x 12" (when stitched on 16 count fabric). But choose your own fabric to determine the finished design. Instructions for both DMC and Anchor threads.

The kit comes complete with an English rendition of the Declaration of Arbroath.

This cross stitch chart is only available here on our website and
makes an ideal Tartan Day gift!

What you get

(approx $29.99)

Click for Cross Stitch Instructions

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